Parish Current Schedule
Wednesday Bible Study live stream @ 6pm. Facebook page: Stluke CatholicChurch DC to join us: or for voice only Dial: 425-436-6339. Enter Access code: 269615
Holy Hour live stream on Fridays @ 7pm on our facebook page: StLuke CatholicChurch DC
Lets Pray the Holy Rosary together on Saturday at 6pm Dial: 425-436-6339. Enter Access code: 269615
Sunday Mass live stream at 11am on our facebook: StLuke CatholicChurch DC
Parishioners are welcome to come into the church for personal prayer. Door to the parking lost side will be open 10am to 2pm Monday to Friday.
Or you can call to request entry.
Rev. Cornelius Kelechi Ejiogu S.S.J.
St. Luke Catholic Church
4925 E Capitol Street S.E.
Washington, DC 20019
Office: 202-584-8322
The work of the Lord does not pay much
But its retirement plan is exceptional.